Trampin' Crooked Arm Ridge and Scott Mountain Trail

The view from Crooked Arm Ridge Trail
Hiking this Sunday started well enough. Crooked Arm Ridge Trail is a nice enough trail, if you don't mind the climb. The trail starts innocuously enough with a mild .5 mile jaunt from the trail head to Crooked Arm Ridge Trail.

Park rangers with emotional problems

Everybody needs to learn proper bear handling procedures!

(from SMBC)

Trampin' to Gregory Bald

Me on Gregory Bald
Last Sunday my wife and I hiked to Gregory Bald, this was our second attempt at hiking the trail, the first trip ended early due to illness and a late start.  We took Gregory Ridge Trail route up to the bald. The first part of the trail, the 1.9 mi. to campsite 12, is fairly close to a cakewalk, but the trail takes a rather abrupt vertical turn after the campsite.

Who am I, and what's this all about?

My name is Bret Belgarde and this is my blog. The main reason for this blog is to document my progress both in getting fit and as a hiker. This process actually started shortly after my 36th birthday, my general health seemed, at least to me, to have degenerated significantly. I weighed over 340 pounds, and smoked at least half a pack of cigarettes a day. My idea of exercise consisted of walking to the fridge to find something else to eat. To say I was out of shape would have been the understatement of the century.